Python Tutorials — Chapter 4 — Basic Operators

chapter 4

In chapter 4 of Python Tutorial, we will learn about Basic Operators An operator is a symbol that performs a certain operation on two operands. Python, like any other programming languages, contains some operators, as listed below. Arithmetic Operators In Python, there are many arithmetic operators such as + (addition), – (subtraction), * (multiplication), /

Python Tutorial — Chapter 3 — Lists — Indexing

chapter 3

In chapter 3 of Python Tutorial, we will learn about Lists Lists, like arrays, can store several items in a single variable. Lists is a built-in data type in Python for storing collections of data. Lists are mutable, which means we can change their elements after they have been formed. The comma (,) and square brackets [enclose

Python Tutorial – Chapter 2 – Variables and it’s Data Types

chapter 2

In chapter 2 of Python Tutorial, we will learn about Variables and it’s Data Types Python is object oriented programming language so every variable that is created is an object. To create a variable, a value has to be assigned to them and Voila! a Variable is created. Here is an example of a variable:

Python Tutorial — Chapter 1 — Print() Function & Indentation

chapter 1

In chapter 1 of Python Tutorial, we will learn about Print function and Indentation In the last tutorial, we learnt about the basic topics of Python language. As mentioned earlier in the previous tutorial, Python is a simple language with a relatively straightforward syntax. Anyone can easily understand the Python code, it is like reading