Python Tutorial — Chapter 14 — Modules and Packages


In Chapter 14 of Python Tutorial, we will learn about Modules and Packages Before we begin, if you are viewing this tutorial on Mobile, please rotate your mobile horizontally for best experience. You can enable auto-rotate in the phone settings. In Python, module is a simple file having .py extension and it contains set of

Python Tutorial – Chapter 13 – Classes and Objects


In chapter 13 of Python Tutorial, we will learn about Classes and Objects If you are reading this tutorial on Mobile, please rotate your mobile horizontally for best reading experience. You can enable auto-rotate in your phone settings. In previous tutorials, you learnt about built-in data types like dict and list. Do you know that we can define

Python Tutorial – Chapter 12 – Functions


In chapter 12 of Python Tutorial, we will learn about Functions If you are reading this tutorial on Mobile, please rotate your mobile horizontally for best reading experience. You can enable auto-rotate in your phone settings. In any programming language, there will be instances where you may need to execute certain code/task multiple times. So,

Python Tutorial — Chapter 7 — Basic String Operations — Part 2

String Operation

In Chapter 7 of Python Tutorial, we will learn about Basic String Operations — Part 2. It is divided into two parts to make it easy for you to understand Before we begin, if you are viewing this tutorial on Mobile, please rotate your mobile horizontally to view the tutorial for best experience. You can

Python Tutorial — Chapter 6 — Basic String Operations — Part 1

Chapter 6

In Chapter 6 of Python Tutorial, we will learn about Basic String Operations — Part 1. It is divided into two parts to make it easy for you to understand Welcome to Chapter 6! By now, you must be aware about strings in Python. Strings are text defined between the quotes. We have already seen

Python Tutorials — Chapter 4 — Basic Operators

chapter 4

In chapter 4 of Python Tutorial, we will learn about Basic Operators An operator is a symbol that performs a certain operation on two operands. Python, like any other programming languages, contains some operators, as listed below. Arithmetic Operators In Python, there are many arithmetic operators such as + (addition), – (subtraction), * (multiplication), /

Python Tutorial – Chapter 2 – Variables and it’s Data Types

chapter 2

In chapter 2 of Python Tutorial, we will learn about Variables and it’s Data Types Python is object oriented programming language so every variable that is created is an object. To create a variable, a value has to be assigned to them and Voila! a Variable is created. Here is an example of a variable:

Python Tutorial — Chapter 1 — Print() Function & Indentation

chapter 1

In chapter 1 of Python Tutorial, we will learn about Print function and Indentation In the last tutorial, we learnt about the basic topics of Python language. As mentioned earlier in the previous tutorial, Python is a simple language with a relatively straightforward syntax. Anyone can easily understand the Python code, it is like reading

Sizzling photos from Goa…Guess Who? It is Pratika Sood!!!

Pratika Sood

We can’t take our eyes off Pratika Sood’s mind blowing photos Pratika Sood is an emcee and voice-over artist. She is also active on social media, updating sizzling photoshoots on her Instagram account. She previously worked at Wills Lifestyle India Fashion Week. She organized many events where she had interaction with popular celebrities such as